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Command-Line Help for rattler-build#

This document contains the help content for the rattler-build command-line program.


Usage: rattler-build [OPTIONS] [COMMAND]

  • build — Build a package from a recipe
  • test — Run a test for a single package
  • rebuild — Rebuild a package from a package file instead of a recipe
  • upload — Upload a package
  • completion — Generate shell completion script
  • generate-recipe — Generate a recipe from PyPI or CRAN
  • auth — Handle authentication to external channels
  • -v, --verbose

    Increase logging verbosity

  • -q, --quiet

    Decrease logging verbosity

  • --log-style <LOG_STYLE>

    Logging style

    • Default value: fancy
    • Possible values:
      • fancy: Use fancy logging output
      • json: Use JSON logging output
      • plain: Use plain logging output
  • --wrap-log-lines <WRAP_LOG_LINES>

    Wrap log lines at the terminal width. This is automatically disabled on CI (by detecting the CI environment variable)

    • Possible values: true, false
  • --color <COLOR>

    Enable or disable colored output from rattler-build. Also honors the CLICOLOR and CLICOLOR_FORCE environment variable

    • Default value: auto
    • Possible values:
      • always: Always use colors
      • never: Never use colors
      • auto: Use colors when the output is a terminal


Build a package from a recipe

Usage: rattler-build build [OPTIONS]

  • -r, --recipe <RECIPES>

    The recipe file or directory containing recipe.yaml. Defaults to the current directory

    • Default value: .
  • --recipe-dir <RECIPE_DIR>

    The directory that contains recipes

  • --up-to <UP_TO>

    Build recipes up to the specified package

  • --build-platform <BUILD_PLATFORM>

    The build platform to use for the build (e.g. for building with emulation, or rendering)

  • --target-platform <TARGET_PLATFORM>

    The target platform for the build

  • --host-platform <HOST_PLATFORM>

    The host platform for the build. If set, it will be used to determine also the target_platform (as long as it is not noarch)

  • -c, --channel <CHANNELS>

    Add a channel to search for dependencies in

  • -m, --variant-config <VARIANT_CONFIG>

    Variant configuration files for the build

  • --ignore-recipe-variants

    Do not read the variants.yaml file next to a recipe

  • --render-only

    Render the recipe files without executing the build

  • --with-solve

    Render the recipe files with solving dependencies

  • --keep-build

    Keep intermediate build artifacts after the build

  • --no-build-id

    Don't use build id(timestamp) when creating build directory name

  • --compression-threads <COMPRESSION_THREADS>

    The number of threads to use for compression (only relevant when also using --package-format conda)

  • --experimental

    Enable experimental features

  • --channel-priority <CHANNEL_PRIORITY>

    Channel priority to use when solving

  • --extra-meta <EXTRA_META>

    Extra metadata to include in about.json

Modifying result#
  • --package-format <PACKAGE_FORMAT>

    The package format to use for the build. Can be one of tar-bz2 or conda. You can also add a compression level to the package format, e.g. tar-bz2:<number> (from 1 to 9) or conda:<number> (from -7 to 22).

  • --no-include-recipe

    Don't store the recipe in the final package

  • --test <TEST>

    The strategy to use for running tests

    • Possible values:
      • skip: Skip the tests
      • native: Run the tests only if the build platform is the same as the host platform. Otherwise, skip the tests. If the target platform is noarch, the tests are always executed
      • native-and-emulated: Always run the tests
  • --color-build-log

    Don't force colors in the output of the build script

  • --output-dir <OUTPUT_DIR>

    Output directory for build artifacts.

  • --skip-existing <SKIP_EXISTING>

    Whether to skip packages that already exist in any channel If set to none, do not skip any packages, default when not specified. If set to local, only skip packages that already exist locally, default when using --skip-existing. If set toall`, skip packages that already exist in any channel

    • Possible values:
      • none: Do not skip any packages
      • local: Skip packages that already exist locally
      • all: Skip packages that already exist in any channel
  • --noarch-build-platform <NOARCH_BUILD_PLATFORM>

    Define a "noarch platform" for which the noarch packages will be built for. The noarch builds will be skipped on the other platforms

Sandbox arguments#
  • --sandbox

    Enable the sandbox

  • --allow-network

    Allow network access during build (default: false if sandbox is enabled)

  • --allow-read <ALLOW_READ>

    Allow read access to the specified paths

  • --allow-read-execute <ALLOW_READ_EXECUTE>

    Allow read and execute access to the specified paths

  • --allow-read-write <ALLOW_READ_WRITE>

    Allow read and write access to the specified paths

  • --overwrite-default-sandbox-config

    Overwrite the default sandbox configuration


Run a test for a single package

This creates a temporary directory, copies the package file into it, and then runs the indexing. It then creates a test environment that installs the package and any extra dependencies specified in the package test dependencies file.

With the activated test environment, the packaged test files are run:

  • info/test/ or info/test/run_test.bat on Windows * info/test/

These test files are written at "package creation time" and are part of the package.

Usage: rattler-build test [OPTIONS] --package-file <PACKAGE_FILE>

  • -c, --channel <CHANNELS>

    Channels to use when testing

  • -p, --package-file <PACKAGE_FILE>

    The package file to test

  • --compression-threads <COMPRESSION_THREADS>

    The number of threads to use for compression

  • --experimental

    Enable experimental features

  • --channel-priority <CHANNEL_PRIORITY>

    Channel priority to use when solving

Modifying result#
  • --output-dir <OUTPUT_DIR>

    Output directory for build artifacts.


Rebuild a package from a package file instead of a recipe

Usage: rattler-build rebuild [OPTIONS] --package-file <PACKAGE_FILE>

  • -p, --package-file <PACKAGE_FILE>

    The package file to rebuild

  • --compression-threads <COMPRESSION_THREADS>

    The number of threads to use for compression

  • --experimental

    Enable experimental features

  • --channel-priority <CHANNEL_PRIORITY>

    Channel priority to use when solving

Modifying result#
  • --test <TEST>

    The strategy to use for running tests

    • Possible values:
      • skip: Skip the tests
      • native: Run the tests only if the build platform is the same as the host platform. Otherwise, skip the tests. If the target platform is noarch, the tests are always executed
      • native-and-emulated: Always run the tests
  • --output-dir <OUTPUT_DIR>

    Output directory for build artifacts.


Upload a package

Usage: rattler-build upload [OPTIONS] [PACKAGE_FILES]... <COMMAND>

  • quetz — Upload to a Quetz server. Authentication is used from the keychain / auth-file
  • artifactory — Options for uploading to a Artifactory channel. Authentication is used from the keychain / auth-file
  • prefix — Options for uploading to a server. Authentication is used from the keychain / auth-file
  • anaconda — Options for uploading to a server
  • s3 — Options for uploading to S3

    The package file to upload

  • --experimental

    Enable experimental features

  • --channel-priority <CHANNEL_PRIORITY>

    Channel priority to use when solving

Modifying result#
  • --output-dir <OUTPUT_DIR>

    Output directory for build artifacts.


Upload to a Quetz server. Authentication is used from the keychain / auth-file

Usage: rattler-build upload quetz [OPTIONS] --url <URL> --channel <CHANNELS>

  • -u, --url <URL>

    The URL to your Quetz server

  • -c, --channel <CHANNELS>

    The URL to your channel

  • -a, --api-key <API_KEY>

    The Quetz API key, if none is provided, the token is read from the keychain / auth-file


Options for uploading to a Artifactory channel. Authentication is used from the keychain / auth-file

Usage: rattler-build upload artifactory [OPTIONS] --url <URL> --channel <CHANNELS>

  • -u, --url <URL>

    The URL to your Artifactory server

  • -c, --channel <CHANNELS>

    The URL to your channel

  • -t, --token <TOKEN>

    Your Artifactory token


Options for uploading to a server. Authentication is used from the keychain / auth-file

Usage: rattler-build upload prefix [OPTIONS] --channel <CHANNEL>

  • -u, --url <URL>

    The URL to the server (only necessary for self-hosted instances)

    • Default value:
  • -c, --channel <CHANNEL>

    The channel to upload the package to

  • -a, --api-key <API_KEY>

    The API key, if none is provided, the token is read from the keychain / auth-file

  • --attestation <ATTESTATION>

    Upload one or more attestation files alongside the package Note: if you add an attestation, you can only upload a single package


Options for uploading to a server

Usage: rattler-build upload anaconda [OPTIONS] --owner <OWNER>

  • -o, --owner <OWNER>

    The owner of the distribution (e.g. conda-forge or your username)

  • -c, --channel <CHANNELS>

    The channel / label to upload the package to (e.g. main / rc)

  • -a, --api-key <API_KEY>

    The Anaconda API key, if none is provided, the token is read from the keychain / auth-file

  • -u, --url <URL>

    The URL to the Anaconda server

  • -f, --force

    Replace files on conflict


Options for uploading to S3

Usage: rattler-build upload s3 [OPTIONS] --channel <CHANNEL>

  • -c, --channel <CHANNEL>

    The channel URL in the S3 bucket to upload the package to, e.g., s3://my-bucket/my-channel

  • --endpoint-url <ENDPOINT_URL>

    The endpoint URL of the S3 backend

    • Default value:
  • --region <REGION>

    The region of the S3 backend

    • Default value: eu-central-1
  • --force-path-style

    Whether to use path-style S3 URLs

  • --access-key-id <ACCESS_KEY_ID>

    The access key ID for the S3 bucket

  • --secret-access-key <SECRET_ACCESS_KEY>

    The secret access key for the S3 bucket

  • --session-token <SESSION_TOKEN>

    The session token for the S3 bucket


Generate shell completion script

Usage: rattler-build completion --shell <SHELL>

  • -s, --shell <SHELL>

    Specifies the shell for which the completions should be generated

    • Possible values:
      • bash: Bourne Again SHell (bash)
      • elvish: Elvish shell
      • fish: Friendly Interactive SHell (fish)
      • nushell: Nushell
      • powershell: PowerShell
      • zsh: Z SHell (zsh)


Generate a recipe from PyPI or CRAN

Usage: rattler-build generate-recipe <COMMAND>

  • pypi — Generate a recipe for a Python package from PyPI
  • cran — Generate a recipe for an R package from CRAN


Generate a recipe for a Python package from PyPI

Usage: rattler-build generate-recipe pypi [OPTIONS] <PACKAGE>


    Name of the package to generate

  • --version <VERSION>

    Select a version of the package to generate (defaults to latest)

  • -w, --write

    Whether to write the recipe to a folder

  • -u, --use-mapping

    Whether to use the conda-forge PyPI name mapping

  • -t, --tree

    Whether to generate recipes for all dependencies


Generate a recipe for an R package from CRAN

Usage: rattler-build generate-recipe cran [OPTIONS] <PACKAGE>


    Name of the package to generate

  • -u, --universe <UNIVERSE>

    The R Universe to fetch the package from (defaults to cran)

  • -t, --tree

    Whether to create recipes for the whole dependency tree or not

  • -w, --write

    Whether to write the recipe to a folder


Handle authentication to external channels

Usage: rattler-build auth <COMMAND>

  • login — Store authentication information for a given host
  • logout — Remove authentication information for a given host


Store authentication information for a given host

Usage: rattler-build auth login [OPTIONS] <HOST>

  • <HOST>

    The host to authenticate with (e.g.

  • --token <TOKEN>

    The token to use (for authentication with

  • --username <USERNAME>

    The username to use (for basic HTTP authentication)

  • --password <PASSWORD>

    The password to use (for basic HTTP authentication)

  • --conda-token <CONDA_TOKEN>

    The token to use on / quetz authentication

  • --s3-access-key-id <S3_ACCESS_KEY_ID>

    The S3 access key ID

  • --s3-secret-access-key <S3_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY>

    The S3 secret access key

  • --s3-session-token <S3_SESSION_TOKEN>

    The S3 session token


Remove authentication information for a given host

Usage: rattler-build auth logout <HOST>

  • <HOST>

    The host to remove authentication for

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