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Variant configuration#

rattler-build can automatically build multiple variants of a given package. For example, a Python package might need multiple variants per Python version (especially if it is a binary package such as numpy).

For this use case, one can specify variant configuration files. A variant configuration file has 2 special entries and a list of packages with variants. For example:

# special entry #1, the zip keys
- [python, numpy]

# special entry #2, the pin_run_as_build key
    max_pin: 'x.x'

# entries per package version that users are interested in
# Note that versions are _strings_ (not numbers)
- "3.8"
- "3.9"
- "3.10"

- "1.12"
- "1.12"
- "1.20"

If we have a recipe, that has a build, host or run dependency on python we will build multiple variants of this package, one for each configured python version ("3.8", "3.9" and "3.10").

For example:

# ...
  - python

... will be rendered as (for the first variant):

# ...
- python 3.8*

Note that variants are only applied if the requirement doesn't specify any constraints. If the requirement would be python >3.8,<3.10 then the variant entry would be ignored.

Automatic Discovery#

rattler-build automatically discovers and includes variant configurations from either:

  • variants.yaml file located next to the recipe
  • conda_build_config.yaml file located next to the recipe

To disable automatic discovery, use the --ignore-recipe-variants flag. If you pass variant configuration files explicitly using --variant-config / -m <file>, the passed variants are loaded with higher priority.

Custom Configuration Files#

To specify variant configurations from other locations or include multiple files, use the --variant-config or -m option:

rattler-build build --variant-config ~/user_variants.yaml --variant-config /opt/rattler-build/global_variants.yaml --recipe myrecipe.yaml

Merging of multiple variant configuration files#

When multiple variant configuration files are merged, the following rules apply:

  • A key from a higher priority file will completely override a key from a lower priority file.
  • Zip key lengths must still match.

conda-build Compatibility#

Since version 0.35.0, rattler-build supports conda_build_config.yaml files, parsing a subset of conda-build's configuration syntax. The filename must match exactly to be recognized as a conda-build config file.

Package hash from variant#

You might have wondered what the role of the build string is. The build string is (if not explicitly set) computed from the variant configuration. It serves as a mechanism to discern different build configurations that produce a package with the same name and version.

The hash is computed by dumping all of the variant configuration values that are used by a given recipe into a JSON file, and then hashing that JSON file.

For example, in our python example, we would get a variant configuration file that looks something like:

    "python": "3.8"

This JSON string is then hashed with the MD5 hash algorithm, and produces the hash. For certain packages (such as Python packages) special rules exists, and the py<Major.Minor> version is prepended to the hash, so that the final hash would look something like py38h123123.

Zip keys#

Zip keys modify how variants are combined. Usually, each variant key that has multiple entries is expanded to a build matrix. For example, if we have:

python: ["3.8", "3.9"]
numpy: ["1.12", "1.14"]

...then we obtain 4 variants for a recipe that uses both numpy and python:

- python 3.8, numpy 1.12
- python 3.8, numpy 1.14
- python 3.9, numpy 1.12
- python 3.9, numpy 1.14

However, if we use the zip_keys and specify:

zip_keys: ["python", "numpy"]
python: ["3.8", "3.9"]
numpy: ["1.12", "1.14"]

...then the versions are "zipped up" and we only get 2 variants. Note that both python and numpy need to specify the exact same number of versions to make this work.

The resulting variants with the zip applied are:

- python 3.8, numpy 1.12
- python 3.9, numpy 1.14

Pin run as build#

The pin_run_as_build key allows the user to inject additional pins. Usually, the run_exports mechanism is used to specify constraints for runtime dependencies from build time dependencies, but pin_run_as_build offers a mechanism to override that if the package does not contain a run exports file.

For example:

    min_pin: 'x'
    max_pin: 'x'

If we now have a recipe that uses libcurl in the host and run dependencies like:

  - libcurl
  - libcurl

During resolution, libcurl might be evaluated to libcurl 8.0.1 h13284. Our new runtime dependency then looks like:

  - libcurl 8.0.1 h13284
  - libcurl >=8,<9

Prioritizing variants#

You might produce multiple variants for a package, but want to define a priority for a given variant. The variant with the highest priority would be the default package that is selected by the resolver.

There are two mechanisms to make this possible: mutex packages and the down_prioritize_variant option in the recipe.

The down_prioritize_variant option#


It is not always necessary to use the down_prioritize_variant option - only if the solver has no other way to prefer a given variant. For example, if you have a package that has multiple variants for different Python versions, the solver will automatically prefer the variant with the highest Python version.

The down_prioritize_variant option allows you to specify a variant that should be down-prioritized. For example:

      # use cuda from the variant config, e.g. to build multiple CUDA variants
      - cuda
    # this will down-prioritize the cuda variant versus other variants of the package
    down_prioritize_variant: ${{ 1 if cuda else 0 }}

Mutex packages#

Another way to make sure the right variants are selected are "mutex" packages. A mutex package is a package that is mutually exclusive. We use the fact that only one package of a given name can be installed at a time (the solver has to choose).

A mutex package might be useful to make sure that all packages that depend on BLAS are compiled against the same BLAS implementation. The mutex package will serve the purpose that "openblas" and "mkl" can never be installed at the same time.

We could define a BLAS mutex package like this:

  - "openblas"
  - "mkl"

And then the recipe.yaml for the mutex package could look like this:

  name: blas_mutex
  version: 1.0

  string: ${{ blas_variant }}${{ hash }}_${{ build_number }}
    # make sure that `openblas` is preferred over `mkl`
    down_prioritize_variant: ${{ 1 if blas_variant == "mkl" else 0 }}

This will create two package: blas_mutex-1.0-openblas and blas_mutex-1.0-mkl. Only one of these packages can be installed at a time because they share the same name. The solver will then only select one of these two packages.

The blas package in turn should have a run_export for the blas_mutex package, so that any package that links against blas also has a dependency on the correct blas_mutex package:

  name: openblas
  version: 1.0

  # any package depending on openblas should also depend on the correct blas_mutex package
    # Add a run export on _any_ version of the blas_mutex package whose build string starts with "openblas"
    - blas_mutex * openblas*

Then the recipe of a package that wants to build two variants, one for openblas and one for mkl could look like this:

  name: fastnumerics
  version: 1.0

    # build against both openblas and mkl
    - ${{ blas_variant }}
    # implicitly adds the correct blas_mutex package through run exports
    # - blas_mutex * ${{ blas_variant }}*